politicaladvertising.agency - Digital Ads for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign

Description: Hi, I’m Al. I am a display advertising specialist with more experience working on banner ads than anyone else you’ll find.

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Candidate Ads Anti-Trump Ads Primary Ads Other Hillary Ads About the Campaign Contact Hi, I’m Al. I am a digital advertising specialist with more experience developing banner ads than anyone else you’ll find. As a member of her digital team, I produced the following 100 banner ads for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign . I also developed the highest-performing ads for both of Barack Obama’s campaigns . Contact me at Al Designs . I’d like to help with your banner ads too!

I’ve been designing digital banner ads since 1997 and for political causes starting with  Barack Obama ’s 2008 Campaign. I stayed on for his 2012 race too. I was lucky to have joined Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Race in 2016.

I joined the campaign in March of 2015 before Hillary’s public video announcement in April. I continued as part of the Digital Team until Election Day, signing off with some lovely Election Day countdown banners . I had asked for a campaign title like “Hillary’s Director of Banner Ad Goodness” or perhaps “Hillary’s Hammer of Banner Ad Design”. I’m still waiting to hear back on that.