poly-chem.de - POLY-CHEM GmbH - Polymerisation

Description: Die Herstellung von Polymeren zählt zu unseren Kernkompetenzen. Über unsere angebotene Bulkware hinaus produzieren wir auch Polymere nach Kundenwunsch.

klebstoffe (160) polymerisation (11) polymeren (5) poly-chem (4) haftklebstoffe (3) spezialpolymere (2)

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As a producer of acrylate-based adhesives, the POLY-CHEM GmbH company can draw on the experience gained in almost 20 years of reliable production of PSAs. A motivated and highly qualified workforce invariably rises to all challenges, whereby quality and performance are our top priority. On the basis of our already existing product portfolio, we are able to respond to individual customer requirements while realising the new development of innovative adhesives.

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