polymath.company - The Polymath Company

Description: Polymath Company help organizations and institutions solve their challenging problems with creative technical solutions

engineering (10335) science (6328) system (3892) challenge (1663) technologies (1152) problem (447) solving (86) mohamed (53) polymath (43) jaidane (2)

Example domain paragraphs

#Technical Challenges and extreme & harsh environments are the main obstacles to create progress and to innovate when pushing boundaries of current technology and knowledge. Facing those challenges and understanding the reality and characteristics of the context and environment with key resources, creativity and structured smart decision/design processes could mitigate the risk and trigger quick and #efficient solutions .

The Polymath Company commits its resources to engineer solutions to face partner's tough technical challenges no matter how big or small they are. Thanks to its #multidisciplinary talents in Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Design Processes, The Polymath Company help institutions, organizations and private companies to engineer tailored solutions with a focus on #systems engineering and #reliability , providing sustainable and well adapted solutions.

Assessment/State of the art, Brainstorming, Design process, Design thinking, Conceptualization, System Enginerring, Solution Architecture, Implementation, Prototyping, Validation & Verification ... We can assist organizations in any phase of the #innovation process to optimize constraints and leverage resources to achieve adaptive and smart solutions to the challenges.