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I thought I'd posted this a couple of weeks back, and realise now that I didn't, but better late than never – this is an excellent tribute to the poet Martin Stannard , with contributions from Ian McMillan, Alan Baker, Luke Kennard, David Belbin, Adrian Buckner and many more. Martin Stannard's poetry, and reviews, are never less than entertaining and engrossing, which is pretty much what I want from them before anything else. Of course, there's more to them than that, but read the tributes, and you'll want

Excellent thread about line-breaks by Caroline Bird, here . There have been a few related discussions elsewhere on Twitter, too, which can only be good. It never hurts to discuss why we like or don't like something in poetry, or perhaps more importantly why we think something works, or doesn't. 

A reminder that I have an  e-chapbook –   Magnetite and other poems   – out now from   Wild Art Publishing . It collects bird-themed poems from my three full collections along with a couple of newer poems, and matches each piece with superb bird photography from Rob Read (the man behind Wild Art), David Tipling, and others.