polytungstate.co.uk - Polytungstates Europe

Description: Heavy liquids and polytungstate products for Europe

heavy (590) lmt (117) density (71) dense (51) lst (43) spt (34) heavy liquids (1) fastfloat (1) sodium polytungstate (1) lithium metatungstate (1)

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We supply the low viscosity heavy liquid LST Fastfloat for heavy liquid density separations in geochronology, metallurgy, geology, palynology and paleontology. LST Fastfloat has half the viscosity of sodium polytungstate heavy liquids. LST Fastfloat is the result of mineral industry research into improved low toxicity dense liquids.

LST Fastfloat heavy liquids contain low toxicity heteropolytungstates in water. LST Fastfloat heavy liquids are heat stable to boiling, and not affected by drying out, so they can be recycled more conveniently.