ponderscripture.org - Ponder Scripture

Description: We are a group searching for the truths of Scripture. Our beliefs include keeping Torah (Law), the 7th-day Sabbath, and the true name of the Creator.

texas (13163) truth (1152) journey (888) stop (550) scripture (440) sabbath (189) lunar (131) seeker (60) sabbatarian (3) ponder scripture (1)

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Hello!   My name is Larry Acheson, and my wife, June, and I are truth seekers.  Our search for truth has been quite a journey, with lots of hills to climb and valleys to tread.  When we began our journey, we found ourselves at a crossroads, much like the one in this photo.  At this intersection, found in nearby Denton, Texa s, there is also a stop sign below the street signs.  It is telling us to STOP and Ponder Scripture! Photo Courtesy of Curtis Holland

Denton, Texas All of us, at some point in our lives, come to this intersection.  Some folks come to what is known as a "California Stop" and hurry on through with their minds on some other destination.  Some folks will run the stop sign without even looking.  Others will fully obey the traffic law by coming to a full stop, then only proceeding when they know it is completely safe to do so.  I like to think of myself as stopping at the "Ponder Scripture" intersection and just parking myself there, not only h

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