poptrendspriceculture.com - Pop Trends Price Culture

Description: Pop Trends, Price Culture is the podcast about the intersection of psychology and markets. You can access our show notes at www.elliottwave.com/podcast (it's free). In each episode, Robert Folsom presents real people and real stories as they meet in the crossroads of mood and markets. Note: This podcast contains strong opinions and strong language.

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Pop Trends, Price Culture is the podcast about the intersection of psychology and markets. You can access our show notes at www.elliottwave.com/podcast (it's free). In each episode, Robert Folsom presents real people and real stories as they meet in the crossroads of mood and markets. Note: This podcast contains strong opinions and strong language.

Jane Jacobs saw a solution when nobody else even saw a problem. The problem she saw was, planners and architects and master builders of her day held fatally flawed assumptions about human behavior -- that the way people in cities live is perfectly rational and efficient and chaos-free. And that is why their urban renewal projects were destructive. Their model was all wrong. Does this sound familiar?

It should for anyone who took economics 101...