positivesingles.co.nz - Positive Singles NZ - Dating Site For Singles With STD & Herpes

Description: PositiveSingles.co.nz is the trusted dating site for people living with herpes, STDs, HSV, HPV in NZ.

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I connected with Mark from Auckland and we bonded over video chats for months. Despite the distance, we decided to meet in person for a weekend getaway in Napier. The chemistry we felt online intensified, and we have now made the move to living in the same city to be together. I am grateful I took a chance on long-distance love and stepped outside my comfort zone.

I took things slow, chatting online with Rachel for nearly 3 months before meeting face to face. The anticipation made our first date even more special, and their second date led to a third. Now, we purchased a house together—a milestone neither imagined reaching when they first connected on the PositiveSingles. For us, slow and steady wins the race.

I have been single for a decade and was focused on my career. Secretly, I longed for a companion to share my life with but doubted there was anyone out there who would accept my genital herpes diagnosis. On PositiveSingles, I met Michael, a widower and single dad. We bonded over a love of cooking, travel and family.

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