possi.info - Possi's Webseiten

Description: Sternwarte Freyung, Photos, deep sky, galaxie, galaxy, Teleskop, Mount, Montierung, 10Micron 3000HPS, ASIAIR PRO, ASI6200MM PRO, Planewave 17 CDK, CFF Telescopes 185, Celestron RASA 11, Sharpstar 20032PNT, Sharpastar 15028HNT, Astrograph, Avalon UNO mount

photos (14032) galaxy (473) mount (307) teleskop (145) galaxie (58) deep sky (53) montierung (7) sternwarte freyung (3) 10micron 3000hps (3) asiair pro (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Some selected premium Deep Sky images

The Observatory with the instruments

The construction process of the observatory