pourgol.com - Dr Shawn Pourgol

Description: Dr Shawn Pourgol; president of National University of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Osteopathy & Osteopathy Health Clinics.

chiropractor (3230) osteopathy (612) ergonomics (236) rehabilitaion (13) shawn pourgol (1) pourgol (1) union ergonomics (1) spinal traction clinic (1) national academy of osteopathy (1)

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National Academy of Osteopathy (Canada) National University of Medical Sciences (USA, Spain, Panama) California Health University (Los Angeles) Seville University of Health and Medicine (Spain) Osteopathy Chronic Pain Clinics of Canada (378 clinics in 34 countries) Pourgol Osteopathy Chronic Pain Hospital (Panama) Pourgol Osteopathy Chronic Pain Research Center (Spain) Asociación de Osteopatía de Panamá Canadian Union of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners Coalition for Regulation of Manual Osteopathy in On

We are the largest provider of manual osteopathic education in the world with alumni in 72 countries. Most manual osteopaths in Canada & the US are my students. My osteopathy students make $150,000 per year which is $60,000 more than what other manual osteopaths make in Canada because I teach them all I know about business.

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