powell-evans.com - GLYN POWELL-EVANS ARPS

Description: I have a number of passions including my family, restoring our Manor House, new technology, gardens, early electric cars, Magic Lanterns and of course photography. I live near Guildford in Surrey, England. Professionally I have been an innovator, inventor and entrepreneur for more than 50 years but for this website I am a photographer. Recently I have been awarded a Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS). The RPS is the oldest national photographic society in the world and only about 3500 peopl

fine art photography (1501) street photography (765) guildford (404) realist (87) great tangley manor (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I strive to create Photos in the camera with adjustment generally limited to cropping and tonal balance. Most of my photos are about the importance of light and having patience to achieve the final result. I think of these images as my "Slow" photography compared with Street Photography which is usually about the decisive moment. I love the use of strong contrasts between light and dark (Chiaroscuro). These are my most popular photos.

GLYN POWELL-EVANS ARPS Limited Edition Fine Art Prints Operation Pied Piper- 3D Book About & Contact These are the works I exhibited recently at the Mall Galleries in Pall Mall, London. I had interesting conversations with at least 150 people about my photographic practice and look forward to exhibiting again. If you would like to know about my future projects and exhibitions please click here (less than 1 email per month, promise!):