power-factor.co.nz - Power Factor Correction New Zealand

Description: Power factor correction is used to correct displacement power factors of less than 1. Distortion power factor can also be improved by using filters.

kw (237) kva (42) power factor correction (36) power factor (16) kvar (3) power factor capacitors (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Power factor is the ratio of the KW to the KVA of the load and is a measure of how efficiently the current is being used. If the power factor is less than 1.0, the current is not being used to maximum efficiency.

There are two types or sources of reduced power factor, Displacement Power Factor and Distortion Power Factor .

Displacement Power Factor is caused by a reactive component in the load. If there is an inductive compinent in the load, then there will be an inductive current flowing in addition to the resistive current. The inductive curent follows the voltage waveform by 90 degrees. Likewaise a capacitive component causes a capacitive current that leads the voltage waveform by 90 degrees. The vector sum of the reactive (capacitive and/or inductive) current(s) and the resistive current results in a single current with a

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