powermobydick.com - Power Moby-Dick, the Online Annotation

Description: Full text of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville, with notes to help the reader

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Example domain paragraphs

Front Matter and Excerpts Chapter 1 - Loomings Chapter 2 - The Carpet-Bag Chapter 3 - The Spouter-Inn Chapter 4 - The Counterpane Chapter 5 - Breakfast Chapter 6 - The Street Chapter 7 - The Chapel Chapter 8 - The Pulpit Chapter 9 - The Sermon Chapter 10 - A Bosom Friend Chapter 11 - Nightgown Chapter 12 - Biographical Chapter 13 - Wheelbarrow Chapter 14 - Nantucket Chapter 15 - Chowder Chapter 16 - The Ship Chapter 17 - The Ramadan Chapter 18 - His Mark Chapter 19 - The Prophet Chapter 20 - All Astir Chapt

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Links to books are provided in association with Amazon. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville is in the public domain. Page numbers shown are from the first American edition, published in 1851. All notes in Power Moby-Dick: The Online Annotation copyright 2008 by Margaret Guroff. Logo illustration by Rockwell Kent copyright 2005 by the Plattsburgh State Art Museum. Used with permission. Sidenote design adapted from Unobtrusive Sidenotes v1.2 copyright arc90. Used with permission. To read our privacy policy, click he

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