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Who is Power P?

When the name Power P is heard, she is jokingly discussed as though she is someone separate from her 1st identity of Mrs. Precious Jones. Separate from the wife, the mother, or the Police Chief that serves and protects her family and our children daily, it is each of these identities that gives its own piece of purpose to the drive that pushes her to share herself with our community through health and fitness. 

How does she do this? First, with God's guidance by BEASTING  it out through Kangoo Bounce for the overall wellness of all who enter the beast  house doors.  This has been her main focus since 2019 as she is not only certified to instruct Kangoo Bounce and Discovery for youth, but also Spin Cycle and Trampoline Fitness. With Power P, having a space to hold various types of fitness classes, she also serves as a community leader. Utilizing her platform to unify our community by providing black women a safe sp