powpopfx.watch - Pow! Pop! FX! for Apple Watch

Description: Throw a sound from your Apple Watch with Pow! Pop! FX!.

beats (2230) noise (675) boom (244) surprise (233) sound effects (135) prank (75)

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Throw a sound from your Apple Watch with Pow! Pop! FX!

Pow! Pop! FX! is a collection of fun, classic and prank-worthy sounds that you can use for practical purposes (like finding your iPhone), having fun with your friends or kids, playing pranks on your co-workers or messing with random folks at the bar, on the bus or in the theater. With Pow! Pop! FX!, you’ll always find the perfect sound for any occasion.

Pow! Pop! FX! includes sword swingin’ sounds like Ricochet, Slap and Pistol, notes and melodies taken straight from the world of sports like Strike Three, Charge and Ping Pong, unusual tones like Merlot, Scandalized Chicken and Big Tease and the best prank-worthy noises like Band Class, Golf Clap and Epic Fail.