pozzienergy.it - POZZI LEOPOLDO RCR - EOP

Description: Pozzi Leopoldo RCR EOP – Rotary Heat Exchangers<br />All manufacturing processes rely to some degree on energy systems. In the very energyintensive basic industries, such as chemicals, petroleum refining, iron and steel making, pulp and paper, and textiles, energy systems are the backbone of the nufacturing process and crucial to profitability and competitiveness. For these industries, changes in the efficiency and environmental performance of critical energy systems can significantly impact the cost of pro

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Evolution is a function of time. After years of undisputed success, the initial concept of rotating heat recovery systems developed with the RCR in thousands of worldwide successful plants has given birth to its latest flavour: the RHeX. Modular disks are no more welded to each other, they are simply mounted on a shaft, allowing substitution.

More compact footprint, together with the novel “pushing action“ generated by the new disk design make it the easier to install and more efficient rotary exchanger ever.

Pozzi Leopoldo has designed and built a self-cleaning heat exchange unit, which has become extremely successful throughout the world over the last decades. MADE ENTIRELY IN STAINLESS STEEL 316L, the heat exchanger has a central exchanging element rotated continuously by a small motor.

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