- Life At Warp 9 – Diary of a madscientist…

Example domain paragraphs

dot the I’s and cross the T’s make the final strokes and once more glimpse with critical eyes a masterpiece a hard won craftwork laced with ancient words and flowery prose a story carefully not told in black and white a monument to the dashing of hopes and the slow tortuous death of dreams

At the heart of the “big loop” antenna is the SG-237. Click here to see the manual for that.

The tuner can be run without a controller, but it offers a few features with a controller that are useful (and sometimes important) in practice. I took a look at the controller suggested in the manual and re-designed it a bit to better suit my purposes. First, because I wanted to use parts that I had laying around the lab, and second because I wanted a better “light-show.”