Description: I am a scientist based in the California Bay Area, with a background in aerospace engineering. I currently work on guidance/navigation/control for autonomous aircraft operations. In the past I've worked on sensor fusion and tracking for autonomous driving, and high-precision global positioning systems. My past funded research involved work on large-scale optimization and simulation techniques, and the application of…
I am a scientist based in the California Bay Area, with a background in aerospace engineering .
I currently work on guidance/navigation/control for autonomous aircraft operations . In the past I’ve worked on sensor fusion and tracking for autonomous driving , and high-precision global positioning systems . My past funded research involved work on large-scale optimization and simulation techniques, and the application of high-performance computing to these areas.
This is my personal website, which primarily serves as a repository for my publications. I also occasionally post content relevant to my hobbies, which might be of interest to some. The views expressed here are my own and are not endorsed by my employer.