- Keith Durante, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Description: A board certified, micro-vascular surgeon solely focused on your hair restoration.

hair transplant (187) hair restoration (145) neograft (12)

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A board certified,  micro-vascular surgeon solely focused on your hair restoration.

"This is a change you can make today that will last you the rest of your life." A surgeon by trade, Dr. Keith Durante completed a micro-vascular fellowship under world-renowned Dr. Lester R. Sauvage after completing a traditional five-year general surgery residency in New York City. Shortly thereafter, major advances in healthcare technology opened a new world of possibilities in hair restoration.

New technology in hair transplantation arrived that enabled Dr. Keith, a highly trained surgeon, to use an automated follicular extraction technique for hair restoration. This was a game changer, and with a background in microsurgery, allowed Dr. Keith to seamlessly transition to becoming the leading hair restoration surgeon he is today.