- Prelusion Escape

Description: Tech-focused blog from a person who has often failed where others have succeeded.

Example domain paragraphs

Thoughts and Media from the U-220

Last week I bowed to pressures and created a Facebook account. My family is quite spread out around the USA and wanted to stay more up to date. Having had a Facebook account a few times since 2007 I felt like I knew what I was getting into and Meta already had all my data from Instagram so “whatever”.

I somehow avoided installing the iOS app for the first few days until I tried to post a short video and Facebook via web kept choking (likely on purpose). Gave up, installed the app and immediately when opening the app on first run a vauguely worded pop up told me why I should allow access to my contacts. The only option was “next”. I killed the app, tried again, immediate pop up to allow contacts, only option “next”. Killed the app again, relaunched, immediate pop up again, clicked “next”, and when given i

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