- PREMA - Anime per fonderia , anime cold box , anime shell moulding - Vicenza, Italy | Prema

Description: L’attività di S.r.l. inizia nel 1976 con la formatura di anime in shell moulding, a cui nel 1978 si aggiunge la produzione di anime con il processo cold box

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Example domain paragraphs S.r.l. opened in 1976 and began its activity with the forming of cores using the process of shell-moulding. Two years later, in 1978, the production of cores using the process of cold box was added.

Year by year, S.r.l. developed significantly. The decisive factors that helped in this development were the moving of the productive plant to Montebello Vicentino in 1990, its enlargement in 2007 and the modernization of the production plants in the year 2014, with the installation of new machinery for the preparation of compounds. The new machinery allows a constant control of the various productive phases, to manage many different formulas based on customer requirements (dosing and weighting of san

This development was also possible thanks to the importance that the Management of S.r.l. attached and still attaches to the quality of its products, to the technological development and to the customer satisfaction. Another decisive factor for the Company is the “human factor”, that particular system of professionalism and competence that can be achieved only with experience and dedication to this work. It is also important to remember the network of partners that can supply the customer with the be

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