- Preserve Lebanon

Description: Support the Land Preservation Program and safeguard Lebanon's rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and agricultural traditions. Contribute to the protection of precious lands for future generations and receive a digital certificate and harvest benefits. Join us today!

agriculture (4165) environment (3781) conservation (2546) lebanon (1220) mediterranean (627) olive oil (460) natural beauty (159) cultural heritage (155) land preservation (19) mount hermon (7)

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Welcome To Preserve Lebanon Read More Land Owners Suffering Read More Future Sellable Goods Read More Background Why we need your help. Lebanon, a small country located in the eastern Mediterranean region, has a long and rich history that stretches back thousands of years. The ancient Phoenicians, who spread the use of the alphabet and established trade routes throughout the Mediterranean, and the Romans, left a lasting impact on Lebanon. It was later conquered by the Ottoman Empire and colonized by the Fre

As a supporter of our efforts to preserve the land, you have the opportunity to make a monthly donation to help us maintain and protect these beautiful spaces. As a thank you for your generosity, subscribers will receive a digital certificate highlighting the specific land and tree that your donation has helped preserve. Your contribution will go towards caring for the land and ensuring that it remains a natural and thriving environment for future generations to enjoy. Thank you for considering this opportu

As a thank you for your generous monthly subscription, we are pleased to offer you a digital certificate of the tree that you have helped to maintain. This certificate will include details about the tree, such as its species and location, as well as a personal message of appreciation from the land owners and keepers. We are grateful for your support in maintaining and caring for our trees, and we hope that this certificate will serve as a meaningful token of our appreciation. Additionally, as a monthly subs

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