- Press on Security

Description: Security is not a project, but a continuous process

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May 25th, 2020. Believe it or not, 2 years have passed since the new General Data Protection Regulation entered into effect. 2 years since data protection became one of the biggest challenges organizations had to (and still have to) face. The legislation aimed to make individuals and companies alike more aware of what happens to […]

Amid coronavirus outbreak, we have all had to completely rethink our lives. From the way we work, spend our spare time and organize our days to how we interact with each other, how we shop or how we learn, everything had to be reshaped and optimized. Now, we can truly state that our existence is […]

As we step lightly into a new year (and a new decade), we cannot help but wonder what’s next in cybersecurity. Numerous publications as well as security professionals have already shared their insights and predictions for 2020. And, let me tell you, the situation does not always feel good, but, hey, when was security easy […]