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Although it might be easy to dismiss the outside grim on your home as just “dirt,” but there are multiple threats to your home’s exterior posed by unsightly gunk and fungus that resides on your house’s exterior. Cleaning the outside surface does a lot more than remove dirt, fungus, and other contaminants. Although dirt and pollutants are generally more of an aesthetic concern than anything else for homeowners, the threat posed by fungi and organic contaminants has severe implications for your house’s exteri

Roof cleaning can help extend your roof’s ability to continue functioning. Fungus and other types of build-up typically form on the areas that are shaded and will reduce your roof’s life expectancy drastically. The presence of soot from your chimney, dirt build up, or specific fungus will affect how much sunlight is being absorbed by your roof and that effects the amount of heat your home absorbs. Roof cleaning is an excellent choice for extending the lifespan of your home’s roof. If you leave it untreated,

As wood starts to weather outside in the environment, it often takes on a grayish or even black tint. A couple of things cause this. Direct sunlight will bleach out the fibers in the wood, which makes it take on an old and aging appearance. Another cause is mold. If a wood deck is exposed to an environment around a lot of trees, as time goes by, the trees cause mold spores to develop, and then they thrive in the woods creating rot and decay in your deck. Our pressure washing method for wood decks removes al

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