- Prison-Inmate-Inventory (PII)

Description: The Prison Inventory (PII) is an evidence based inmate (male and female) assessment instrument or test. The PII has a Truthfulness Scale, Violence (Lethality) Scale, Antisocial Scale, alcohol scale, Drugs Scale and an Adjustment Scale. Applications include prison, penitentiaries and reformatories. The Truthfulness Scale determines how truthful he inmate was while completing the Prison Inmate Inventory (PII).

test (4402) assessment (1805) inventory (1031) instrument (776) scale (671) violence (427) prison (371) inmate (249) truthfulness (14) antisocial (13)

Example domain paragraphs

The Prison Inmate Inventory (PII) is an evidence based prison inmate (male and female) assessment instrument or test. The PII consists of 161 true-false and multiple choice items and takes 30 to 40 minutes, on average, to complete. From test data (answers) entry, PII tests are scored with printed reports available on-site within 3 minutes.

1. Truthfulness Scale. 2. Violence Scale. 3. Antisocial Scale. 4. Alcohol Scale. 5. Drug Scale.

6. Judgement Scale. 7. Distress Scale. 8. Self-Esteem Scale. 9. Adjustment Scale. 10. Stress Coping Scale.

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