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We are legal advisors. We offer, wherever possible, immediate, dynamic and reliable legal advice. Our clients have often been seriously wronged by the legal system and they urgently need support and guidance. We will take on a legal battle where, too often, others are happy to walk away. We are legal advisors with many years’ experience. We tell you ‘as it is’ and we definitely don't pull our punches.

We provide, wherever we are able, a FREE INITIAL ASSESSMENT without any obligation. We also don't expect you to pay ridiculous hourly rates. We are pragmatists. We are compassionate. We fully appreciate that you don’t have unlimited funds to spend on legal fees.

We can frequently offer a NO WIN NO FEE AGREEMENT with the help of one of our senior panel barristers. In the alternative, if a fee is to be paid, it will always be a FIXED FEE - agreed in advance with our client.