- Matt Bryant

Description: About Matt Bryant

Example domain paragraphs

I currently work in San Francisco at Asana , and during my free time I enjoy climbing, photography , cooking , working on random projects, and playing DotA. I like writing code and solving tricky problems, especially related to optimization or security. I run OpenSUSE on my computers (though I've been playing with Nix recently), and am a strong believer in the FOSS movement. I occasionally write about things elsewhere on my site . I can be reached by email at mbryant ( public key ), an

I recently built FunctionTrace , a better Python profiler. It's a non-sampled profiler with an intuitive graphical interface that is able to profile multiprocess and multithreaded applications, all while having an order-of-magnitude lower overhead than other Python profilers.

I am most excited by Rust , which I think has the potential to be the systems language of the future. Until then, I tend to use C and Python , both of which I have had worked with professionally for around a decade. I have also worked for hundreds to thousands of hours with each of x86 Assembly , JavaScript , Bash , C++ , Ocaml , Java , Standard ML , and PHP , and have some experience with Go , Haskell , ARM/PPC Assembly , and various DBMS .

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