- Progressive Democrats of Benicia | Equity & Justice For All

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There have been recent allegations that PDB was somehow responsible for having a local resident “cancelled” and fired from her job. This is untrue. I want people to know the truth. Here is how I responded to requests from the media and here are the facts.

The resident’s allegations that the Progressive Democrats as an organization had anything to do with her firing are untrue. As an organization, we did not write any letters or contact her employer. The letter that was written to a local paper was not written by a member. A letter to her employer was written by a member, but under her own name. We do not require our members to seek club approval before exercising their free speech rights and we do not control our members’ activities.

This club was not consulted and did not approve of any letters regarding the resident. In short, the Progressive Democrats of Benicia had nothing to do with her being fired. Put simply: we did not fire this person, her employer did, using their own internal guidelines, which we did not seek to influence, nor do we even have access to.