- Project Home – How Members of Parliament in Africa Represent their Constituencies

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HOME is a three-year project funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology that investigates the connections between the members of parliament (MPs) and their constituencies. It charts MPs’ behaviour in the district and in the parliament, over four central research questions:

These questions are investigated in the context of a Small-N comparative study including Ghana, Namibia and South Africa. These are three of the most established democracies in Africa, with remarkable records of free and fair elections and highly institutionalized party systems. However, they display important institutional and contextual differences that make the empirical analysis of constituency service relevant. First, differentials in the electoral institutions, systems of govern and parliamentary stru

To answer the questions raised, the project applies an ambitious mixed methods research strategy that combines different types of quantitative (surveys, MPs’ biographies, parliamentary activity) and qualitative (documental research, interviews) types of data.

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