- Priests for Life | Official Site - Pro Life - Anti Abortion Facts and Pro-Life Arguments

Description: Priests for Life offers support and information on pro life and anti abortion. Find facts and arguments against abortion and pro-life pros and cons.

abortion (758) pro life (530) anti abortion (237) against abortion (32) abortion facts (32) pro life facts (27) pro life arguments (27) abortion arguments (27)

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Donation Appeal: This will help you keep your voice loud and strong throughout the summer

Join Janet Morana, Father David Begany, SSJ, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Ellen Holmes Steeves-LeBlanc for an 8-day pro-life pilgrimage to Mexico City: October 2-8, 2023

Pray for all fathers, living and deceased, and especially pray, as a family, in the days leading up to Father's Day. You can also leave us your intentions for your father at .... MORE