- Pro Life - Anti Abortion Facts and Pro-Life Arguments

Description: Priests for Life offers support and information on pro life and anti abortion. Find facts and arguments against abortion and pro-life pros and cons.

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The Church is currently observing the "Year of Faith." As an official part of that observance, the Church designated a Day of Life which was observed June 15 and Sunday, June 16, including a Mass celebrated by Pope Francis.

This event was a sign, of course, of the integral connection between being a believer and being pro-life. Our stance in favor of life does not flow primarily from an ideology or a political platform, but rather from the same act of faith by which we embrace Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life.

We therefore urged parishes, families, and individual believers to join with this observance by saying the prayer and using the resources below. Let us all rededicate ourselves to the Gospel of Life!