- promise again

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About Todd Thicksten and Promise Again

Todd Thicksten is founder and president of Promise Again. We exist to help couples grow and thrive in their marriage life. This ministry grew out of Todd’s sixteen years of serving couples as the cheif pastor at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel in Shibuya. There were four services that Todd helped pionere at the hotel church: the weekly worship service, the Christmas service and the monthly anniversary service. Promise Again is the culmination of the 16 years of performing these services.

Beyond the wedding. Most couples place their entire focus and preparation on the wedding day. However, little time and energy is given to consider life after the wedding. As a result, after the wedding day, it usually isn’t long before couples experience the “wedding blues.” This is when you no longer have the wedding to look forward to combinded with the strong feelings of emotional and physical attraction you experienced in the months leading up to the wedding beginning to wain.