- Prose and Constellations | Brit, photographer, writer, stargazer, musician, sci-fi geek, tattooed antiquarian, timeless romantic

Description: Brit, photographer, writer, stargazer, musician, sci-fi geek, tattooed antiquarian, timeless romantic, psychology fanatic, music fiend, cat lady, and your new best friend.

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Unpopular opinion: Us  is one of the most overrated, overhyped movies to date, and the more I think about it, the more I dislike it. (I eagerly anticipate my friend James ’s take on this, since he seems to think this film is the best thing since sliced bread [even if Penicillin was also invented the same year, which is *way* better than easier sandwiches.])

I was SO excited for this film. I loved Get Out SO much, and that, I truly feel, was deserving of its universal acclaim. It was a perfect, innovative, intellectual film that brought something new and exciting to the horror genre, and executed it brilliantly. Us ? I couldn’t have been more disappointed. I still admire Jordan Peele for his mind. I do. And I appreciated the imagery and metaphors. I just think this movie was a garbled mess of too many ideas that didn’t work together, too many things that weren’