- OBD Port Protection (Key Operated) | ProtectAVan

Description: Safeguard your vehicle's electronic system with our Key-Operated OBD Port Protection. Easy, non-invasive installation for effective theft prevention.

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Thieves have discovered a new way to steal your van via overriding the manufacturer’s immobilisation system by connecting a laptop/PDA/EDI Key into the OBD socket and programming a new key into the ECU. They start by picking/decoding the manufacturer’s door lock with a Tibbe pick (which can be easily sourced online) which unlocks all the doors, disables the alarm, and gives out the key combination for your vehicle. This allows them to cut a key with a new chip or just pick the ignition with the code obtaine

Once the key is cut they return to the van, unlock the doors with the new key and then connect their laptop/PDA/EDI Key into the OBD/ECU connection, where they can program in the new key or ‘kid’ the vehicle into thinking the correct chipped key is present, start the vehicle and drive it away.

Our Thatcham Quality Assured, Patented OBD/ECU Connection Protection Device encompasses the OBD plug in a secure Box which is then attached to the crash bar behind the dashboard and can only be unlocked with the correct high security key.