Description: This site is dedicated to fond memories of PS duPont High School in Wilmington, Delaware and to the graduating class of 1959
delaware (1225) wilmington (748) dupont (178) '59 (123) 1959 (41) ps dupont high school (1) pierre s. dupont high school (1) dynamiters (1) dynahs (1) blue and gray (1)
Here are my friends, I knew them well, and he re in my memory, shall they dwell.--- believed to be Edgar A. Guest 55th Reunion (2014) | 50th Reunion: page 1, page 2 , page 3 | Classmate News | Blog | 40s | 50s | Memorabilia | Gossip | Trivia In Memoriam | 45th Reunion |
B R E A K I N G N E W S !
Bob Vair complained, "Can't get a cheesesteak in Ohio. Charcoal Pit brought back memories."