- Genuine Encounters

Description: Psychodrama Training Organisation

psychodrama (117) group psychotherapy (16)

Example domain paragraphs


Welcome to meet the training organisation, Genuine Encounters Centre for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (GECP) founded by Kate Bradshaw Tauvon, Lars Tauvon and Sonja Göransson Nyström in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2015, primarily to host the Post Graduate Diploma in Classical Psychodrama, in South Africa.  GECP is an Affiliate Member of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) and a Member of IAGP's Consultative Assembly of Organisational Affiliates (CAOA)

Jacob Levy Moreno, the founder of psychodrama (1889-1974) formulated issues concerning theories and practices aimed at the prevention and mitigation of direct and structural violence already in 1934, in his famous book, Who Shall Survive?   Born in Romania, he was an Austrian-American psychiatrist, psychosociologist and educator, who conceptualized an interpersonal psychological theory and the concept of the “Genuine Encounter” which was in fact the theoretical basis for group therapy.