Description: karir, career, kudus, lowongan, kerja, rokok, tabaco, jaleca, sansugi, rokok murah, distributor rokok, peluang usaha, ganas, premier, 4u, tabaco, sansugi, jaleca, ekspor rokok, cigarettes export

career (3751) tabaco (70) kerja (39) lowongan (37) karir (36) rokok (8) jaleca (2) sansugi (2)

Example domain paragraphs

We are one of the growing tobacco companies in Kudus - Central Java, was established in early 2005. Supported by a team of research and development that reliable and experiences. Our efforts to create a cigarette with the taste, aroma and distinct pleasure, finally yielded satisfactory results. Some of our tobacco products became the mainstay and already has a strong customer base.

We open up opportunities for those who want to participate distribute our products with profit share, whether it's Retailer / Shop, Wholeseller or Distributor, please contact us at Ph.+62 0291 4250810 (Marketing / Mr. Yanto ) or email : [email protected].

Please do not hesitate to contact us at .