Description: As a champion for local public education, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro PSF provides additional funding for innovative programs and projects that support students and teachers in our schools.
Menu Close About Us Grants For Teachers For Students Events Contact Us Donate Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation Donate Our Vision All students in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools receive an excellent and equitable education from the highest quality teachers. As a champion for local public education, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro PSF provides additional funding for innovative programs and projects that support students and teachers in our schools.
Grants Scholarships Donate Events Teacher Awards Kimberly Jones Sullivan Teaching Chair, Chapel Hill High I’m dedicated to building students’ understanding and appreciation of the powerful purpose literature can serve in documenting, protesting, and ending social injustice and systemic persecution, and as a result are moved to act, inform others, and raise awareness of the issues that matter to them. I strive to equip my students with a diversity of meaningful learning experiences that make them more inform
Congratulations to Lenore Bronson, the recipient of the Bridge Builders Award! With this scholarship, she plans to…… May 30, 2023 @ 12:00PM