pulsiphergames.com - Pulsipher Games

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Games in Process | Published Games | Britannia | Games for Sale Freq. Asked Questions | Articles about Games | Teaching About Games | Design Philosophy | Sweep Games Magazine | Conventions | Free Games | Lew's Autobiography | more wargamelike rules for Sea Kings | DragonRage | Boardgame Design Blog Archive | Advice for would-be designers | Links to many video game articles I value | @lewpuls on twitter

News is below twitter feed .                 Lew's Wikipedia entry is here .

to PulsipherGames.com/Pulsipher.net, a web site for supplementary material and playtesting of games designed by Lewis Pulsipher ( Britannia , Dragon Rage, Valley of the Four Winds, Diplomacy variants, Sea Kings, Doomstar, Jastings 1066, Stalingrad Besieged , Dual Britannia , RPG material, etc.), and for teaching about games. I issue a video-screencast (usually about game design) weekly (Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 AM) on my YouTube "Game Design" channel .

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