pumaswedexxx.com - Puma Swede Blog – The adventures of Puma Swede

Description: The adventures of Puma Swede

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I’m back in Mexico after an incredible week in Jamaica at the Mycelia retreat. I have a hard time putting words to everything I experienced there. The people, jungle, the mushroom journeys… It all made quite an impression on me and I’m still processing it. 

Just this morning I cried… Not out of sadness. Just feeling very emotional and grateful. Also got a text this morning from a friend that got her results from a lump that she had examined. It was not cancer wohoooo…

I have started writing about my week in Jamaica. Hopefully post it this week. In the meanwhile I made a little video. Wish I could make it cooler with music and stuff, but my editing skills /patience with it are not top notch hahahaaa…

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