pumpsdublin.ie - Pump Repair Dublin - Water Pump Replacement & Repairs

Description: We are the leading pump repair company in Dublin. Our team of RECI registered technicians can provide you with professional water pump replacement, repairs, maintenance and servicing.

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Pumps Dublin are part of the well renowned Infinity Electrical Group. At www.ecoelectricheaters.ie , we also provide installations for brand new modern Eco Electric storage heating. If you have an immersion that has a fault and needs to be replaced then visit us at immersion-heater.ie . If you require any other assistance in relation to electrical or plumbing issues, then please contact Infinity electrical group on mobile: 083-1625009 or landline: 01-4458543.

Most modern apartments are fitted with water booster pumps to help boost the water pressure in the units. A good Stuart Turner or Monsoon pump should last you anywhere between 8 and 10 years with regular maintenance and/or service but if you find that your pump isn’t running correctly, we are here to help and offer Dublin’s number one Stuart Turner pump repair service.

Check out our repair page which has a list of the most common pump problems that we have encountered.

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