punditreview.net - Pundit Review: New Media, Politics, Media Bias, Talk Radio, Iraq, Climate Change Hysteria and more!

Description: Intersection of politics, blogs and talk radio covering national political news, Climate Change Hysteria and foreign affairs

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Where The Old Media Meets The New

This is my absolute favorite video of Jerry Garcia ever. Weird huh? Has nothing to do with the Grateful Dead. This is Jerry, sitting in with Ruben Blades, in some random hotel ballroom. From the looks of it, it appears to be around 1989-90.

Not one person in attendance was there to see Jerry Garcia. I wonder how many even knew who he was? Fast forward to 5:45 in the video, when Jerry is introduced, and takes a solo. The pure joy of just playing, of being anonymous….I get goosebumps everytime I watch it.