puppetarmyfaction.com - Puppet Army Faction | Kontrol

Description: Puppet Army Faction is an independent game developing company dedicated to making unique games using multiphysics for animation

ragdoll (197) kontrol (69) physics game (7) 2dworld (1) planiverse (1) puppet army faction (1) puppet army faktion (1) kontrol game (1) control game (1) ragdoll physics (1)

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--> In-Game Trailer     Neuvo En Español       Rope Bridge: Easy Way Out Technology Preview (Alpha) playable now free. A Two-Dimensional Universe Imagine if life were possible in a universe with only two dimensions of space. Namiad is a being who lives in a garden on the edge of a circular planet in 2DWORLD, or Planiverse. This computer program has established a control link to this creature's nervous system via radio waves that vibrate between our universe and his. From the third dimension, you can see ins

Technology Preview (Alpha) This game technology preview is the product of many years of research, investment, and development. While its far from complete, its already very playable. We hope you enjoy it and we appreciate your support and feedback. Kontrol is the first video game we know of which makes use of 100% physical modelling of individual body parts for all creature propulsion and balancing, on uneven ground. This is "ragdoll physics" taken to the next level. To achieve this level of realism and nat

System Requirements Try the Free Trial first before purchasing to be sure it runs on your system. For adequate gameplay speed, the minimum system requirements ae Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Mac OS X Lion on a system with a Dual 2 GHz processor. If you encounter any Microsoft Silverlight Issues, try a different browser. If having to install Silverlight, you may have to close all brower windows then retry, or you might even need a reboot on some systems.