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  A Spiritual Ascension website dedicated to anyone who want's tools to help them with their spiritual journey. Many you didn't know existed. A vast array of intensions, energy, healing, and much more.  ** New Listing under MedBeds  This Weeks Sessions -   EARTHSTAR    AC TIPS, TRICKS                  AND INTERESTING ALTERNATIVES  

     LIVE! International Tele-session with Bryan  -   May 13,  2023  

        New Listings - From the Ether to You a subtle dimension of existence,     a subtle dimension of physical manifestation in the here and now. Instant Activations/Sessions   61 Topics - Sessions at your finger tips   ALWAYS AVAILABLE - INSTANT ACTIVATIONS  24/7  365 There are many who follow a person. They attend monthly sessions podcasts and the like. Many leave the session excited, uplifted, feeling energized. A week after the session, have you ever wondered what else is out there. What am I missing.