purplegrotto.com - Jazzbeaux's Purple Grotto - A Tribute To Al "Jazzbo" Collins | Bay Area Radio Museum & Hall of Fame

Description: Al "Jazzbeaux" Collins (born 1919 at Rochester, N.Y.; died September 30, 1997), hipster saint, radio legend on two coasts, jazz icon. Originally "Jazzbo." Theme song: "Blues In Hoss' Flat," written by Frank Foster and performed by the Count Basie Orchestra. In the Bay Area, Jazzbeaux was a superstar on KSFO, KGO...

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Al “Jazzbeaux” Collins (born 1919 at Rochester, N.Y.; died September 30, 1997), hipster saint, radio legend on two coasts, jazz icon. Originally “Jazzbo.” Theme song: “Blues In Hoss’ Flat,” written by Frank Foster and performed by the Count Basie Orchestra.

In the Bay Area, Jazzbeaux was beloved on KSFO, KMPX and KGO in San Francisco, Marin County’s KAPX and the College of San Mateo’s KCSM for four decades, splitting for the East Coast in between, but always returning to majuberize us to the very end. (Majuberize yourself right now by raising your left hand and proclaiming “No tengo que enseñarle ningunas chapas malditas” – the first of two steps toward becoming a full-fledged member of “the second most popular club in America.”)