purplesquirrels.com.au - Purple Squirrels - An interactive and motion design blog

Description: An interactive and motion design blog

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The longer you work in the web field the more you notice the pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other. After initially being a client rendered solution, and years of experimentation and new frameworks built on React, is this just the latest swing to the extreme ‘SSR’ end of the spectrum? I certainly believe so.

Today I needed to update a couple Lambda functions from the Node 8 runtime to use the Node 10.x runtime. These functions required headless Chrome because they are used to take screenshots. Unfortunately, moving from the Node 8 runtime to 10x runtime is not a simple as it sounds, because AWS have decided to change the Linux environment which now excludes some files that Chromium requires to run.

As a reminder to myself, and for anyone else who might find it useful, I thought I’d document my setup here in a blog post. This post will assume you have the Serverless CLI set up and successfully deploying to AWS.

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