qb-quality-in-building.com - CSTB - Certification : un signe de qualité pour valoriser la qualité des produits et services

Description: Le CSTB, un acteur clé de la certification des produits et services de la construction sous différentes marques

certification (1918) certificat (95) certifié (64) code consommation (3) marque qb (3) marque nf (3) marque acermi (3)

Example domain paragraphs

QB, the certification mark of CSTB, is for any stakeholder who puts quality assurance first, to ensure that construction works incorporate reliable products with technical characteristics certified by third-party bodies like the CSTB.

Serving professionals, QB is intended for all stakeholders - manufacturers, contractors, dealers or distributors, standards organizations and project owners - to guide them in their choices.

QB is a mark of the quality, performance and reliability of products and systems used in construction. QB also covers the certification of tools and services.