qnm.ai - Remote Island Developer - Tahiti-based designer, programmer, and cartographer

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As a dancer, I have learned to stay aware of the way space is occupied and to fill voids as gracefully as possible . This intuition has been essential in my career development and is reflected in my user interface design, cartography, and web layouts.

I am a GIS (geographic information systems) developer at SPEED (la Société Polynesienne de l’Eau l’Electricité et le Dechet), an environmental engineering consulting company based on Tahiti.

For those of you who have not been down here, the South Pacific is a place where paper maps and clipboards continue to rule the field . Less than ten years ago, the extension of the Honotua (3,000 mile submarine fiber-optic cable) from Hawaii to Tahiti introduced widespread access to high speed Internet.

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