qtmreadings.com - Timeless Odysee

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Quantum Reading s & Energy Work 

My name is Daniel Moore. My goal is to provide an insightful view of your life using my medium abilities. I channel spirit to bring in your higher consciousness, guides, angels, and loved ones who hold answers to many of your questions. I am simply the conduit that they use to provide that information.  Being a Sensitive since a young child, I have embraced it as part of my life. For the last 10 years I have been honing those "spiritual muscles" we all have to bring in spirit. I look forward to serving you 

A medium reading session can help reveal answers for personal issues, health issues, relationship questions, business decisions, or spiritual questions. Spirit lovingly reveals what will help you best. I can also help with cleansing homes of negative energy, closing portals, and moving earthbound spirits on to the other side.