quadcitiesfirst.com - Economic Development in the Quad Cities

Description: The QC offers an open minded network and drive that make the region a hub of economic ambition and innovation for a new generation.

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email facebook twitter LinkedIn print Welcome to the Quad Cities Region! With employees increasingly seeking more to life than work, it’s critical for businesses to set up HQs or expansions in a place where life is good .

When you choose the Quad Cities thriving region that's where you benefit from competitive business costs and advantages, quality living with an idyllic Midwestern lifestyle, a skilled workforce in manufacturing, a labor pool of nearly 580,000, a central location just 2 ½ hours from Chicago with multi-modal logistics access to the coasts and a supply chain flush with materials for the Fortune 500 companies in the region.

QC is a family of communities in a  six-county bi-state region connected by one of the world’s most renowned rivers, the Mississippi. It’s where eastern Iowa and Western Illinois intersect at I-80.

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